Nolitha Chemicals is a women-led and rural-operated business that was named after the Queen Mother of Amahlubi in the North West, South Africa, residing in Khayakhulu, Nolanga, Welverdiendt, Goodehoop and Welgeval villages. The heritage is based on the nation's origins in the Eastern Cape (Alice in the village of Ncwazi), where the royal family still preside.

The products sold by Nolitha Chemicals are a local alternative to what is already available in the market, however it is clear to the user that there is a noticeable difference in quality as there is a much more attention to detail, and care taken in the manufacturing process. The slogan "make a little go a long way" hints at the longevity of the product due to its high quality thus saving the consumer a trip to the shop every so often as a result of the product doing what it needs to do in a lower quantity in comparison to competitors products. 

The main goal of Nolitha Chemicals is to create job opportunities for the women in rural areas so that they can provide for their families and be active contributors to the economic cycle in their respective local communities. 

Nolitha Chemicals is a Level 1 B-BBEE Company.